How can you talk to someone you can’t see? Prayer is a key element in knowing God better – but it can be hard to know where to begin. Explore what the Bible says about prayer and learn what it means to have a conversation with God.
We know that you want REST! But in order to have this, you need freedom from the stress and complexity of life. The problem is that restrictions, isolation, and financial uncertainty make you powerless and unsure of the future. We believe you were created for something else, something more ...
Can knowing the past help you to understand the future? Discover the prophetic words made 2,500 years ago – could these words still impact your life today? Decide for yourself.
Your mental, social, emotional and spiritual health impacts every area of your life. Positive mental health allows you to effectively deal with relationships and stress points in your life helping you to live life to its fullest. But things don’t always go according to our plan. Then what? When we struggle with our mental health, relationships, addictions and emotions can become overwhelming.
How would you like the kind of happiness that lasts? Explore the life of Jesus and find the meaning a relationship with Jesus can bring to your life today.
This series will lead you towards a better understanding of who Jesus is, what it means to believe, and other important elements of what a relationship with Jesus means
Learn how anger and hurt negatively affect your emotional and physical wellbeing. By understanding how and why to forgive, you can find healing from past hurts and experience true freedom.
Make sure your love continues to grow and develop, today and long into the future. Learn practical tips to communicate effectively and manage conflict, helping your relationship flourish in happiness and tough times alike.
Being healthy doesn’t have to be so hard. In this free series on health, you’ll receive expert advice to give you an overview of the essentials of good health. Get practical tips to help you feel good right now and set up positive habits your future self will thank you for!
Find out what it takes to turn your dreams into something real, by taking charge and living life with purpose. Reflect on your goals, and learn practical ways to bring you closer to achieving all that you want out of life.
Every parent wants what’s best for their child. Give your child the best of yourself, too. Get tips for communicating with your child, setting boundaries and creating an environment for your child to thrive!
[Truth]LINK is a tour de force of Biblical insight that will expand your mind, impact your heart, and elevate the quality of your life. What you’re about to discover is that God is more beautiful than you’ve ever imagined.
Take a practical look at what the Bible says about how to find hope in the midst of an uncertain world. Sign up below for your free e-Guide and start your journey to a life beyond fear.
Throughout the history of the Christian church, Jesus’ followers have found hope, meaning and purpose from the Book of Revelation, especially during tough times.
God reveals his plan for the future of the world in the Bible books of Daniel and Revelation.
Egypt’s wealth was legendary, and when a pharoah died no expense was spared both life and death. Pharoah was, after all, the people’s god. Much is now known about this ancient civilisation, its might, renown, culture, science and devotion to gods both fearsome and capricious. For us today is how the story of history shapes our modern world and future.
Take your children to an exciting place full of music, stories and activities that teach them all about a God that loves them and what’s for them to make their world a happy place.